Obie & Lessonly. Obie goes from startup woes to major growth and acquisition success.

Obie goes from startup woes to major growth and acquisition success!

Do you dream of one day taking your brilliant idea to the next level? Maybe someone will even pay you a lot of money for that business?

Well, it’s definitely possible, but it’s not always easy.  It means serious dedication, filled with ups and downs and it’s certainly not for everyone.  Chris Buttenham, founder of Obie, knows this all too well.

From founding the company and realizing he didn’t know a thing, heading to Innovation Factory for support and participating in programs across North America, to pivoting numerous times and weathering downturns including a global pandemic, it all paid off when Obie was acquired by Lessonly. Chris is an entrepreneur and innovator who knows first hand that the journey was far from easy.

Listen to the episode here to find out about Chris’s journey with Obie and how they did it all.

Are you looking to scale your innovative idea, increase revenues or enter global markets? Start a conversation with Innovation Factory and let’s discuss how we can help you.

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HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast by Innovation Factory. Driving Results: Women in Leadership taking place on March 13, 2025 from 8am-12pm at Atrium Banquet & Conference Centre in Burlington, ON. To register, visit

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Support and celebrate the achievements of women in business and entrepreneurship. HERhalton by Innovation Factory is the region’s go-to networking event for advocates of women entrepreneurs and features engaging guest speakers to inspire and drive engaging conversation.

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March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT