Korechi Announces the Pik’r™ – a High-Capacity Golf Ball Picking Robot

ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE, Korechi Innovations, Sep. 08, 2022

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada – Korechi Innovations Inc., an innovator in the agricultural robotics space, in business since 2016, has announced their latest autonomous robot, the Pik’r™. Korechi brings the advanced capabilities of their RoamIO line of farming robots into the Pik’r™, which is the world’s first robot that automates all existing 3 and 5 gang golf ball pickers in the market without any modifications to them. It also has higher coverage (up to 7 acres/hr) and picking capacity (up to 4000 balls per round) than any golf or driving range robot in the market and is intended for lager and busier driving ranges where 15,000 or more balls are hit a day.

The Canadian designed and manufactured Pik’r™ can run autonomously for up to ten continuous hours on a single charge. It can also be controlled via a joystick or an easy-to-use APP on a rugged tablet computer and integrates with existing  infrastructure.

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Korechi makes robots to automate simple, repetitive, and often unsafe tasks at golf facilities. This means that precious human operators can be redeployed into other demanding, higher value add activities within the facility. Korechi Innovations can help you massively boost your productivity with their technology.

Learn more about other Korechi robots at korechi.golf

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