How Nuts for Cheese raised 5.5 million and defined a new vegan cheese market

From local to global sales: How Nuts for Cheese™ raised $5.5M and defined a new market

It was not that long ago that Nuts for Cheese™ Founder and CEO, Margaret Coons was juggling school, part-time work, and creating artisan cheese products to sell at the local Farmers Market.
While completing her studies, she took on jobs, invested time and resources to further her skills and product concepts, and even secured early customers for what would eventually become ‘Nuts for Cheese’.

From bootstrapping to raising $5.5M, she now has a leadership team, a 25,000 production facility, and a strategy that positions her company well for long term growth and success.

She is a game-changer in the fast-growing plant-based food market who views her competitors as collaborators, working together to expand new grocery categories.

Hear her share how she combined her interest in wholesome, nutritious food with a passion for culinary creativity and innovation to launch her award-winning business.

Listen to the episode here to find out about how Nuts for Cheese™ took its journey to success:

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HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast by Innovation Factory. Driving Results: Women in Leadership taking place on March 13, 2025 from 8am-12pm at Atrium Banquet & Conference Centre in Burlington, ON. To register, visit

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March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT