Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster Spurs $76 Million in Zero-Emission Vehicle Investments

ORIGINAL ARTICLE, Robbie MacLeod,, May 3, 2022


NGen Canada has announced a series of new innovation projects to support the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) manufacturing ecosystem in Canada.

As the global automotive industry undergoes the most important transformation in its history, NGen recognizes the opportunity for Canada to develop the most efficient, high-quality, and greenest cutting edge domestic production capabilities. A recently-published NGen report provides a landscape analysis of Canadian capabilities that can be leveraged to win business in the emerging ZEV manufacturing space.

In 2021, NGen launched a call for proposals to support R&D projects for ZEV manufacturing, systems, components, and batteries in Canada. Today, NGen is pleased to announce 15 new industry-led consortia that will execute projects in strategic areas such as critical minerals & metals, traction battery & efficiency gains, power electronics, fuel cells, and lightweight materials.

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March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT