TechPlace Logo


TechPlace is a community of entrepreneurs, mentors, investors and program partners who share a common goal: drive innovation and grow successful companies.

TechPlace has a space for everything from needing to make a big sales pitch, hosting an event or a comfortable place to work.

TechPlace’s growing network of international ‘Soft Landing’ partners connects it to companies looking to expand into Canada, and it works closely with local partners and agencies to ensure the process is as smooth as possible. The TechPlace soft landing program offers residencies of up to 12 months and includes full membership access to the space, a private office, and access to extensive resources and programs.

Anchored by Innovation Factory and Angel One Investor Network, TechPlace is an important part of the Southern Ontario Innovation Ecosystem.

Contact the team at Innovation Factory and CITM to access the perks and services offered to clients by TechPlace.

Get connected with the team at TechPlace



Quick Facts

  • Hot desks and collaboration space
  • Private meeting rooms
  • Large event space
  • Memberships available
  • Supports newcomer entrepreneurs
HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast by Innovation Factory. Driving Results: Women in Leadership taking place on March 13, 2025 from 8am-12pm at Atrium Banquet & Conference Centre in Burlington, ON. To register, visit

Attend HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast

Support and celebrate the achievements of women in business and entrepreneurship. HERhalton by Innovation Factory is the region’s go-to networking event for advocates of women entrepreneurs and features engaging guest speakers to inspire and drive engaging conversation.

Expand your network and connect with the region’s influencers and innovators in the world of women in business

March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT