Pairwise Affinity Receives $100,000 in Funding

David Jones is a vision scientist, entrepreneur, and founder of Pairwise Affinity, a visual neuroscience company that develops innovative vision-testing systems for research and clinical applications.

Pairwise Affinity recently received $50,000 in financial support from the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) and $50,000 from the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) to develop its research prototype into a commercial product ready for clinical use.

The company’s lead product, the “AMD Vision Test,” measures changes in visual function in people with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. AMD is a devastating eye disease and the leading cause of blindness. In Canada and the US, more than 10 million people over the age of 50 are affected by AMD.

Pharmaceutical companies call AMD a “blockbuster indication” because an effective new drug therapy for early AMD (when sight can still be saved) would be worth billions of dollars a year in new revenue.

David is developing his vision test as an enabling technology, to be used as a Drug Development Tool by pharmaceutical companies in clinical trials.

In a recently completed Research Study, David worked in collaboration with McMaster University and St. Joe’s Eye Clinic in Hamilton, and they found evidence that his innovation is 2 times more sensitive than the letter charts currently used to test vision today.

This greater sensitivity for tracking changes in visual function as the retinal disease progresses means new sight-saving drugs may reach patients sooner.

Connect with David today:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dxjones  @pairwise

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