On October 23, Carlos Pinto Lobo, Chief Compliance Officer of the SVX, came to McMaster Innovation Park to lead Innovation Factory’s October Lunch ‘n Learn.
Lobo led a discussion about Equity Crowdfunding (ECF) and what it means to the Canadian crowdfunding landscape.
During the discussion, he pointed out that in the past couple of years, there have been increasing calls for regulators to democratize the way the public accesses private equity deals by purchasing them online. Lobo noted that because of this pressure, there are proposals on the table to alter the crowdfunding landscape so it better suits startups and businesses that need it.
With the audience, Lobo explored whether the SVX – the current industry standard for crowdfunding portals – is sufficient for the entire system, how to maintain sustainability, and tips for entrepreneurs to prepare for an equity crowdfunding campaign.
Photos from the event can be viewed here, and you can access Lobo’s presentation from the Lunch ‘n Learn here.
Our Lunch ‘n Learn events are a great way to get out and network while enjoying a free lunch and learning something new! The next one is November 25, and will feature Mark Elliott, Co-founder of Venture Accelerator Partners, discussing how to build a social sales strategy. Learn more here.