It is with regret that we acknowledge the passing of Justin Policarpio on September 20, 2017.
Justin was a friend of Innovation Factory, both as a client with his startup Roboteurs, and later as an ecosystem partner. His bright entrepreneurial spirit, selfless attitude, and energy for all things entrepreneurial were contagious, and we can only hope to keep his memory alive by living through his example.

Justin was truly a champion of entrepreneurship in Hamilton, and a key driving force in building The Forge (McMaster and Innovation Factory’s Campus Linked Accelerator). Prior to that he served as Manager of Spectrum, McMaster’s on-campus entrepreneurship program, and volunteered at a number of events in the Hamilton area designed to support entrepreneurs and startups. Justin also cofounded Women Entrepreneurship, a group dedicated to providing networking and advancement for women in business.

May we always remember his fighting spirit, his selfless drive to help others, and his unrelenting passion for business in Hamilton.