A self-driving delivery truck for Walmart from the company Gatik

Human-Free Freight Delivery: Gatik Driverless Box Trucks

ORIGINAL ARTICLE, Chad de Guzman, Time Magazine, November 10, 2022

Gatik was recently named in Time Magazine’s ‘Best Inventions of 2022’ in the Transportation category for their innovative driverless delivery trucks.

Gatik has carved out a specific niche in the competitive realm of autonomous vehicle tech: short-haul fixed-route deliveries for the retail industry. The strategy paid off in November 2021, when Gatik announced it had removed safety drivers in its box trucks moving orders between a Walmart warehouse and grocery store in Bentonville, Arkansas, two years into the companies’ partnership. This could be the future of middle-mile logistics across North America—automated trucks driving predictable routes, keeping supply chains intact despite persistent labor shortages. With a spotless safety record, Gatik is now expanding and has set up delivery operations in Louisiana, Texas, and Ontario after receiving local authorities’ stamps of approval.

Working together with the Centre for Integrated Transportation and Mobility (CITM) in Ontario, Canada, the company’s driverless delivery trucks were recently deployed for grocery giant Loblaws.

Discover the other innovations making headlines this year on Time Magazine.

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