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About us

At ReelBunny we are changing the way we rent a property today. ReelBunny is a match-making platform for landlords and renters in Canada.

We’re like Tinder for Landlords and Renters.

There are 43 million households in the US and 5 million households in Canada who rent. Almost two-thirds of young people rent in both countries.

We make it easy for landlords to find tenants fast, easy, and convenient.

On the other hand, we make it fast, easy, and convenient for renters to find properties as per their needs. Unlike the current disjointed process of offline and online components. We make hyper local matches for landlords and renters using our proprietary technology.

The best part is, at ReelBunny, everything involved in a lease transaction can be done completely online.

Program engagement



Sandeep Kashyap

Co-Founder & CEO

Shreya Kohojkar

Co-Founder & CTO



In Market



HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast by Innovation Factory. Driving Results: Women in Leadership taking place on March 13, 2025 from 8am-12pm at Atrium Banquet & Conference Centre in Burlington, ON. To register, visit

Attend HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast

Support and celebrate the achievements of women in business and entrepreneurship. HERhalton by Innovation Factory is the region’s go-to networking event for advocates of women entrepreneurs and features engaging guest speakers to inspire and drive engaging conversation.

Expand your network and connect with the region’s influencers and innovators in the world of women in business

March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT