About us

With over 65% of customers initiating their vehicle purchase online, Automotive and Powersports dealers are struggling with inbound internet leads, often leading to delayed responses, missed opportunities, and inefficient customer engagement, which negatively impacts their sales and revenue growth. At Bike2web, we provide seamless inbound lead management, enhancing customer engagement, and boosting sales performance and revenue.

Bike2Web is a full-service marketing agency that provides a suite of digital marketing solutions to help businesses increase their online visibility and attract more leads.

Program engagement


Jaime Enrique Romero

Founder and CEO


Intellectual Property


In Market



Celebrate BIG ideas that make a bigger impact at The Big DiF, Innovation Factory’s annual open house and client showcase. Join 250+ people from the Hamilton-Halton community to celebrate entrepreneurship and innovation.

Join Innovation Factory's Annual Open House - The Big DiF!

Network with 250+ industry professionals, discover emerging solutions from our innovators, and celebrate entrepreneurship within the Hamilton-Halton ecosystem.

May 9, 2024 | 4:00pm – 8:00pm | Hamilton, Ontario