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About us

Archeoptix Biomedical Inc. has developed a portable imager that provides CT precision in determining the severity of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and other causes of brain bleeds (Stroke in particular – distinguishing hemorrhagic vs. ischemic stroke). Our technologies have the potential to change the way TBI (and Stroke) is managed globally. TBI is the single largest healthcare cost in the modern world, with 69 million affected globally every year. We have a strong and experienced team, and we have a very strong IP portfolio.
Milestones achieved:
1) Health Canada approvals (2) with expected launch in Canada Q2 2024
2) MDSAP certification for Canada (adding US, Japan and Brazil this year).
3) Manufacturing partner in Canada
Work moving forward:
1) Commence/complete clinical trial in Kingston, ON (Q2)
2) Submit to FDA under 510(K) by Q2
3) Other regulatory approvals (EU, Japan, Brazil)
4) Continue outreach to establish a Strategic partner

Program engagement

Archeoptix Biomedical Inc.


Dr. DJ Cook


Sav Stratis

Founder & President


Intellectual Property




HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast by Innovation Factory. Driving Results: Women in Leadership taking place on March 13, 2025 from 8am-12pm at Atrium Banquet & Conference Centre in Burlington, ON. To register, visit

Attend HERhalton Women in Business Breakfast

Support and celebrate the achievements of women in business and entrepreneurship. HERhalton by Innovation Factory is the region’s go-to networking event for advocates of women entrepreneurs and features engaging guest speakers to inspire and drive engaging conversation.

Expand your network and connect with the region’s influencers and innovators in the world of women in business

March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT