iF Clients Nix Sensor, QReserve, Webility and Engagement Agents awarded Hamilton’s Fast 40 for 2019

City announces Top 40 fastest growing businesses in Hamilton

HAMILTON, ON – Today, in collaboration with BDC, Canada’s bank for entrepreneurs, Hamilton’s Mayor Fred Eisenberger announced the top 40 fastest growing businesses in Hamilton. The Fast 40 program represents the ones to watch in business in Hamilton. This unique ‘made in Hamilton’ initiative was created as part of the City’s 2016-2020 Economic Development Action Plan. The Action Plan identifies a “stretch target” that aims to have 10 Hamilton based businesses listed on ‘The Growth 500’, Canadian Business Magazine’s 500 Fastest Growing Businesses. Companies that achieve top 40 status in Hamilton are then encouraged and assisted in applying for the national honour.

The City’s Economic Development Office is the central point of contact for business assistance in Hamilton. The Top 40 Program is just one example of the services they provide that are geared to serve new start-up companies, corporate relocations, and the expansion and retention of existing business. Its mission is to serve as the catalyst for continued economic growth, job creation, and revitalization in Hamilton.

Engagement Agents

Engagement Agents helps retailers engage their shopping centers’ digital and physical marketing channels, which they pay significantly for via their lease agreements, to drive impressions, traffic and sales to their stores and ecommerce channels while also saving them tremendous amounts of time, money and resources!  For more information, visit www.engagementagents.com

Nix Sensor

Nix Sensor Ltd. is a Canadian technology company who has developed what has become the world’s leading tools for color measurement. The innovative company provides advanced color measurement and custom color solutions to clients worldwide. Nix Sensor Ltd. helps solve the toughest of color problems by offering professionals an accurate, objective, and cutting-edge solution to the age-old problem of ‘what color is that?’ For more information, visit www.nixsensor.com


QReserve provides a software platform that enables enterprises and governments to showcase and manage idle equipment, facilities, people, and other resources for individuals to reserve. With over 3,500 active monthly users and nearly 30,000 resource reservations per month at universities and other facilities around the world, QReserve provides the infrastructure to optimize utilization of capital-intensive assets.


Webility Solutions is a Hamilton based software development company dedicated to building high quality SaaS and mobile applications. They recently launched Lumedi, a clinical research platform, and have deep expertise in energy management solutions involving machine learning and AI technology.

Read the full media release on the Hamilton Economic Development site at https://investinhamilton.ca/blog/2019/10/01/2019-fast-40/ 

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March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT