Able Innovations announces $7.5 million to take the pain out of patient transfer

ORIGINAL ARTICLE, Josh Scott,, May 30, 2022

Amid staffing shortages, Able aims to enable healthcare workers to “do more with less.”

Able Innovations, operates in a space that Dr. Gaurav Puri, chief of Newmarket, Ontario-based Southlake Regional Health Centre’s emergency department, describes as “not particularly sexy.”

The Toronto-based robotic medical device startup focuses on the problem of patient transfer—a run-of-the-mill, labour-intensive procedure that usually involves some combination of porters, nurses, and orderlies lifting a patient from point a to point b, sometimes using bed sheets or a slider board.

In an interview with BetaKit, Puri described the typical patient transfer process as “pretty crude,” adding that it can cause pain to patients and result in hospital staff experiencing injuries. Amid an already short-staffed healthcare system during COVID-19, the issues associated with this routine task have become magnified.

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March 13, 2025 | 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT