Top 10 women leading healthcare startups

ORIGINAL ARTICLE, Leila Hawkins,, September 10, 2021

The following women are leading companies that are changing people’s lives – whether it’s facilitating more heart transplants, developing life-saving, chemical-resistant PPE suitable for womens’ bodies, preventing suicides or creating the world’s first totally silent breast pump. Here is our list of top 10 women leading healthcare startups today.

1. Tania Boler, founder and CEO, Elvie

Tania Boler has created what Vogue magazine has labelled “the most revolutionary and discreet breast pump to date”. Compared to most breast pumps, which are noisy and require wires, Elvie’s is practically silent and has no tubes. Boler’s other product is a training device that exercises pelvic floor muscles which is now prescribed through the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

Boler founded Elvie in 2013, having worked at  reproductive clinic Marie Stopes, and leading an HIV programme for UNESCO. She also has a PhD in women’s health, and helped to launch the first United Nations Curriculum on Sexual Education.

2. Dr Lisa Anderson, co-founder and CEO, Paragonix

Dr Lisa Anderson is the CEO and co-founder of tech startup Paragonix Technologies. She is one of the inventors of the SherpaPak, a transportation device that enables organ transplantation – specifically hearts. It works by using proprietary thermal cooling to keep hearts at a steady temperature during transport, helping the hearts to travel further than using conventional methods, and therefore expanding donor options.

3. Dr Asha Parekh, co-founder and CEO, Front Line Medical Technologies

Dr Asha Parekh is the co-founder and CEO of Front Line Medical Technologies,  a medical device company.  It recently developed the COBRA-OS™, which helps front line medics control bleeding in emergency situations. Born in Canada, Parekh has a PhD in biomedical engineering with a speciality in biomaterials and medical devices. She has several patents and publications to her name, and has secured multiple grants and funding for her projects.

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