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Mohawk MEDIC partners with TAMVOES to help patients track vital health information

ORIGINAL ARTICLE – Mohawk College, March 10, 2022

Is your tetanus shot still up to date? Are you confident all your records are available to your current physician? How do you keep track of medical diagnoses, test results and prescriptions?

The answer to all your medical questions will soon be a screen scroll away.

Mohawk College’s newest applied research partnership with a local digital health start-up will make a difference to the thousands of Canadians who are tired of having their healthcare records stored in multiple places.

Mohawk College’s mHealth and eHealth Development and Innovation Centre (MEDIC) has partnered with Waterloo-based TAMVOES, creator of a health management platform that allows individuals to collect and securely store copies of their health information, such as surgical history, vaccinations, allergies, medications, laboratory tests and much more. TAMVOES provides users with both a mobile and web platform that hosts their information in one easy-to-access place. The company also recently announced an Apple Health Integration for its brand new mobile app that will allow users to import data such as heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate into the platform.

“Even the healthiest of people have reams of health information about them captured in various places. Especially when there is illness or injury, it’s key that patients and caregivers make informed decisions based on complete and accurate information,” says co-founder Madison McBay. “Working with MEDIC will give us access to technical expertise around high-level integration that we wouldn’t otherwise have as a start-up.”

To read the full news release CLICK HERE.

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Synapse Life Science Pitch Competition March 26, 2025 from 4:00pm - 8:00pm EDT

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March 26, 2025 | 4:00pm – 8:00pm EDT