About us

A surprising 1 in 3 women will experience incontinence. After discovering a lack of innovation in the market that is actually designed to prevent leaks versus simply absorb leaks, MoxyPatch™ set out to create an innovative and category-disrupting device that works to prevent the unintentional and often frustrating leaks caused by stress urinary incontinence in females. MoxyPatch™ is an over-the-counter and eco-friendly solution that will be available both online and in retail stores so that it is accessible to all women. Their mission is to offer women a true solution in leakage prevention, and to help these women regain their confidence, regain their lives, and regain their Moxy!

Program engagement


Remy Warren






Celebrate BIG ideas that make a bigger impact at The Big DiF, Innovation Factory’s annual open house and client showcase. Join 250+ people from the Hamilton-Halton community to celebrate entrepreneurship and innovation.

Join Innovation Factory's Annual Open House - The Big DiF!

Network with 250+ industry professionals, discover emerging solutions from our innovators, and celebrate entrepreneurship within the Hamilton-Halton ecosystem.

May 9, 2024 | 4:00pm – 8:00pm | Hamilton, Ontario