About us

AgeRate is revolutionizing the way we think about aging and longevity. Their mission is to empower consumers with the tools they need to demystify and optimize aging, using custom epigenetic analysis and proprietary algorithms to provide in-depth and actionable insights into long-term health and longevity. Their at-home blood testing and mobile app allow users to discover their biological age and up to 20 additional health and longevity insights, empowering them to make targeted lifestyle changes to improve. Unlike other at-home testing services, AgeRate goes beyond providing a snapshot of a user’s health, using epigenetics to reveal the long-term impact that lifestyle has on health and longevity. With a team of world-leading researchers and a focus on cutting-edge technology, AgeRate is leading the way in redefining aging and unlocking the secrets to living a longer and healthier life.

Program engagement


Cole Kirschner

Chief Executive Officer

Dr.Guillaume Paré

Chief Science Officer

Dr.Michael Chong

Chief Research Officer

Kevin Peters

Chief Technology Officer


Intellectual Property


In Market



Celebrate BIG ideas that make a bigger impact at The Big DiF, Innovation Factory’s annual open house and client showcase. Join 250+ people from the Hamilton-Halton community to celebrate entrepreneurship and innovation.

Join Innovation Factory's Annual Open House - The Big DiF!

Network with 250+ industry professionals, discover emerging solutions from our innovators, and celebrate entrepreneurship within the Hamilton-Halton ecosystem.

May 9, 2024 | 4:00pm – 8:00pm | Hamilton, Ontario