David Carter

Prior to joining iF, David was CTO and Co-founder of Awareness Inc. His company raised 20 million in venture capital and worked with brands like New York Times, Major League Baseball, Sony Pictures, and McDonald’s. David will tell you his sweet spot is where technology, sales, and marketing intersect. He is quick to warn that technology alone does not solve the problem. During the 90s David worked for Microsoft and saw the arrival of graphical computing, smartphones, tablets, and the Internet. He left Microsoft in 2001 to begin his first start-up.

Celebrate BIG ideas that make a bigger impact at The Big DiF, Innovation Factory’s annual open house and client showcase. Join 250+ people from the Hamilton-Halton community to celebrate entrepreneurship and innovation.

Join Innovation Factory's Annual Open House - The Big DiF!

Network with 250+ industry professionals, discover emerging solutions from our innovators, and celebrate entrepreneurship within the Hamilton-Halton ecosystem.

May 9, 2024 | 4:00pm – 8:00pm | Hamilton, Ontario